OTLS #310 Dildo Bros
Once again football gets all sexy, but it might not be enough to save a certain manager from the sack. And are we on the verge of what could be the most accurate naming rights for a premier league stadium ever? #Spurs #WestHam #FedEx #DildoBrothers #Dildo #COYI #COYS #FootballFunny #EPL #KimJongUn #Hurricanes #NuclearWar #SportingLisbon #Gold&Sullivan On The Left Side is written and produced by Ant McGinley for Abrupt Audio. The Theme Tune "National Hero" is written and performed by Katalina Kicks and appears with their kind permission. Find out more about them at www.katalinakicks.com Incidental music and sfx courtesy of www.bensound.com and www.free-sfx.co.uk