OTLS #218 - Blatter's Salami
Howdy On-The-Left-Siders! This weeks romp though the meadow of funny football kicks off in the EVIL head quarters of governing body FIFA. We also try and cheer up Slavan Bilic, look into the financial situation of Jose Mourinho and work out exactly where Match of the Day is going wrong in the commentary stakes. Sit back, pop some headphones on and laugh more than you laughed when you saw Manchester City loosing to Leicester City this weekend. Enjoy.#RayHudson #BeinSports #ElClassico #MUFC #Jose #Mourinho #HMRC #Football #Funny #Satire #Comedy #Podcast #Bilic #WestHam #PrestonNorthEnd #England #Hodgson #Evra #RioFerdinand #FIFA #Blatter #Infantino